Thursday, November 29, 2012


Music is one of the greatest ideas anyone has ever came up with. Music can make you feel emotions, like happiness, sadness and anger. Music can tell a story, even without any words. It has been around since the beginning of humans and it’s awesome. Music is hard to describe, it can be orchestrated sounds, or even the absence of it. You’ll see many people around with headphones in listening to it. It amazes me how people can love all kinds of different music. Many people listen to metal some listen to rap or country. No matter what type of music it is it can still show emotion and tell a story.

I love all kinds of music. I love listening to dark dubstep songs and feeling evil. When I listen to Ellie Goulding I feel comforted. ASAP Mob makes me feel angry, scared or even accomplished. I don’t know if many people get into the music as I do, but I’m sure if everyone did music would be much more appreciated in our society. Music has a lot to offer and if people would just listen more they could enjoy it a lot more.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gays and Weed

America should be the land of the free. Many issues today make me question how free we really are.

Being against gay marriage is a something I cannot understand. What gives someone the right to tell someone else who they can and can't love? Nonetheless many people continue to protest it across the nation. It really just doesn't make sense to me. Imagine if someone took away your significant other and told you no, you can't have them. How would you react? Would you abide by that persons rule? I doubt many people would.

Same sex marriage is something that really can't be argued and should not be an issue at all.

Cannabis should be removed from the Controlled Substances Act. Its ridiculous that more harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco are legal and marijuana is not. This is the land of the free but no one can smoke a bowl without being worried about the police harassing them, while their next door neighbor is rushed to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Any study will show that weed has not killed anyone.

Marijuana has more proven benefits than downsides. It helps soften the side effects of chemotherapy, reduces anxiety in some users, increases pain tolerance in some users, used to treat insomnia, reduces nausea and vomiting, stimulates appetite, and relaxes muscles tension; effective for MS patients. With so many benefits it’s puzzling why it would be an illegal substance. Do some research and you'll find some interesting reasons.