Thursday, January 3, 2013

Its Succkkin teh Life out of Meh!

Role playing games are dope. I’ve played a handful in my life, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Assassin’s Creed 3, Fable 3, Grand Theft Auto 3, Vice City, Liberty City Stories, Vice City, San Andreas, GTA 4, Saints Row 2 and 3, Far Cry 2 and I’m currently working on Far Cry 3. The zombie ones were fun for me but I just couldn’t completely get lost in them the way I did with the other games. 

GTA 3 was the eye opener to the world of sandbox type games for me, for most people it was. After being trapped in a world of first person shooters Fallout 3 was introduced to me. The adventure and freedom of the game opened up the rest of the world of adventure-RPG’s to me. Fable 3 was a stand-out to me because the decisions you made in the game would affect everything about the game, your decisions would change the game entirely. If you haven’t played it I highly recommend it. I never got into either of the first two Assassin’s Creed games but the third one grabbed me by the face and forced me to play it the whole way through. I had to know what would happen next.

RPG games are enjoyable for me because they remove me completely from reality and I have no idea what’s going on besides the game and its story. These are the games that keep people up until the sun comes up reminding them what time it is, they take over your life and you won’t mind until you beat it, then you just want more.


Odd Future

Odd Future is a group often looked over when people search for music. Their lyrical content is a big turn off for many listeners, as they paint pictures of disturbing scenes with their words. The production is taken over by Tyler, The Creator, Left Brain and The Jet Age of Tomorrow. They all have their own projects aside from Odd Future. Tyler, with his solo career has released two albums; Bastard and Goblin and has an upcoming project titled Wolf. Left brain is half of the duo MellowHype with fellow Odd Future rapper Hodgy Beats. They have released 3 albums to date; YellowWhite, BalckenedWhite and Numbers. The Jet Age of Tomorrow is probably the least known of the producers. They consist of producers Matt Martians and Pyramid Vritra. The Jet Age of Tomorrow currently has two albums out; Voyager and The Journey to the 5th Echelon, with the upcoming JellyFish Mentality.

Odd Future has a large amount of members. The main vocalists are Tyler, The Creator, Earl Sweatshirt, Domo Genesis and Hodgy Beats. Frank Ocean is the singer of the group, impressing many and going on to do a lot of solo work. Listening to some of their new music you can see the growth in their music. The obscene teen anger is dumbed down; however the violation of your comfort is still very much there. A large reason of why people listen to Odd Future is because of their ability to have the feel that they do. The production has beats that follow the story the lyricist is telling. You can feel the songs gasp for breath and twist and break with the words of the rapper. Odd Future’s popularity could simply be chalked up to their lyrical content and kids listening to it, but there is much more to it than just that.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


A friend is someone who you can trust and share experiences with. Friends are there for you when you need them and if they’re close enough could even be almost an extension of you. You can let them walk around your house and not even think twice about them taking something from your house.

I have recently had a very close friend, one who I considered a brother over my house. I was playing the new Assassin’s Creed (an awesome game by the way), while he was fumbling around with some other games I bought. Later, he left and it was a normal day.

The day after, my little brother told me the game was missing, he probably looked for it for three or four days. I started to try to find out what the hell happened to them. I had just bought the game and I didn’t even play it for that long and it was already missing.

The only possible conclusion that I could come to was that my friend stole them. It was probably a week since he came over and I met up with him at a mutual friend’s house, pulled him aside and asked him if he knew what happened to the game. He denied taking them and I told him the only possible thing that could have happened to the game was that he took them.

He continued to deny it so I went up to GameStop and learned that they had all of the games I had missing there come in on the same day and one of them had a large scratch on it that ensured to me it was mine.
A mutual friend helped get to the bottom of it and he found out that my suspect was indeed the person I was looking for. I have been told that I will be paid back. I just wouldn’t want people to make the same mistake as me. Don’t give your trust out to just anyone.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Music is one of the greatest ideas anyone has ever came up with. Music can make you feel emotions, like happiness, sadness and anger. Music can tell a story, even without any words. It has been around since the beginning of humans and it’s awesome. Music is hard to describe, it can be orchestrated sounds, or even the absence of it. You’ll see many people around with headphones in listening to it. It amazes me how people can love all kinds of different music. Many people listen to metal some listen to rap or country. No matter what type of music it is it can still show emotion and tell a story.

I love all kinds of music. I love listening to dark dubstep songs and feeling evil. When I listen to Ellie Goulding I feel comforted. ASAP Mob makes me feel angry, scared or even accomplished. I don’t know if many people get into the music as I do, but I’m sure if everyone did music would be much more appreciated in our society. Music has a lot to offer and if people would just listen more they could enjoy it a lot more.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Gays and Weed

America should be the land of the free. Many issues today make me question how free we really are.

Being against gay marriage is a something I cannot understand. What gives someone the right to tell someone else who they can and can't love? Nonetheless many people continue to protest it across the nation. It really just doesn't make sense to me. Imagine if someone took away your significant other and told you no, you can't have them. How would you react? Would you abide by that persons rule? I doubt many people would.

Same sex marriage is something that really can't be argued and should not be an issue at all.

Cannabis should be removed from the Controlled Substances Act. Its ridiculous that more harmful substances such as alcohol and tobacco are legal and marijuana is not. This is the land of the free but no one can smoke a bowl without being worried about the police harassing them, while their next door neighbor is rushed to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. Any study will show that weed has not killed anyone.

Marijuana has more proven benefits than downsides. It helps soften the side effects of chemotherapy, reduces anxiety in some users, increases pain tolerance in some users, used to treat insomnia, reduces nausea and vomiting, stimulates appetite, and relaxes muscles tension; effective for MS patients. With so many benefits it’s puzzling why it would be an illegal substance. Do some research and you'll find some interesting reasons.

Sunday, October 21, 2012


ASAP Rocky is a new artist with a bright future. Without even having a single album out he and his crew; ASAP Mob have been gaining a lot of attention.

Rocky has two mixtapes out. One is “Deep Purple”, a fan created tape of some songs he had released on YouTube. It is officially recognized on the ASAP Mob website. The mixtape contains the song that arguably gave him his fame; Purple Swag. There are six other songs on it, one with an irritating Lil Wayne sample.
His second mixtape”LiveLoveASAP” has a longer tracklist, with a total of 16 songs. In this mixtape Rocky tells us about his history and his life before rap. The production on this album has more layers than Deep Purple. The project feels more rich and the music more engulfing. Songs like “Pe$o” feel very cinematic, while most of the songs feel more dark and eerie.

Rocky signed with Polo Grounds/RCA for $1.7 million for himself and $1.3 million for his imprint ASAP Worldwide.

ASAP Mob consists of members ASAP Yams, ASAP Bari, ASAP Ferg, ASAP Ty Beats, ASAP Nast, ASAP Twelvy, ASAP Ant, and ASAP Rocky. They add more variety to the music. Though they can be found on Rocky’s solo music, they have much larger parts on the ASAP Mob mixtape, “Lords Never Worry”. Listening to “Lords Never Worry” makes you feel like you’re watching a scary movie. Not many artists or rap groups have as much originality as these guys do and as long as they stick together and keep building on their originality they can continue to successfully make music.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Trees Man

Plants are awesome. If you don't agree with that then you're wrong. Being trapped on the internet all day can be entertaining but I don't think enough people have experienced nature enough to respect and enjoy it.

Walking through the woods is an adventure every time. You just have to accept that your getting lost. When you don't know where you are and you're surrounded by trees, nature and some friends you will have a good time.

The obstacles are what make the journey, crossing rivers over logs, running down hills and try climbing some trees.

You have to make things happen. Sitting at home telling people to hit you up on Facebook because your bored probably won't actually make your day, you have to just do what you want to do.

What I've noticed in most people is that their main focus in life is simply to make money. That's not such a bad goal but most of the time it gets in the way of what in my opinion is the most important aspect of life; happiness.

When I realized this you could say I made it a resolution for myself to do whatever it is that will make me enjoy my life, whether that is taking a walk in the woods, going and getting ice cream or blaring music.

I don't mean that people should ignore distressing tasks like doing homework or laundry just because they don't like them, grades should also stay a priority. Just remember to enjoy life!